Glass Bottom Boat No. 3, Aquarena Springs
- Title
Glass Bottom Boat No. 3, Aquarena Springs
- Description
- Photograph taken of the inside of a glass-bottom boat that is floating in the water. The boat has a roof and there is a striped awning hanging down about from the roof. The sides of the boat are open, and the seats face toward the center of the boat where the glass bottom is visible. At the center of the photograph is a boat captain at the wheel, and there are four people looking down into the bottom of the boat.
- Identifier
- Negative no. SMDR_Undated-3_001
- Source
- San Marcos Daily Record Negative Collection, University Archives, Texas State University
- Subject
- Boat
- Glass-bottom boat
- Spring Lake
- Aquarena
San Marcos, Texas
- Item sets
- Site pages
- Glass-Bottom Boat No. 3, undated
- Media
Position: 2847 (10 views)